Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 1

I don't really know where I'm going with this. I want to make the last month of summer as fulfilling as possible. I don't really have as much time as I'd like to think so starting tomorrow, I'm going to make sure I'm out and about everyday.

I was going to go out with my friend today, but she canceled. She wanted to watch Back To The Future instead of going out and being in the warm sun. She had never seen Back To The Future, so it's not like I can blame her. I mean, I'm sitting in bed, freezing my butt off because the air conditioning in here makes this place an icebox. Not that I'm really complaining. I'd rather be cold than hot. At least I have blankets so I can snuggle.

I went out for a bit today. I decided to try out my new camera. I want to start taking pictures again, but I always feel so awkward when I walk around town and try to take pictures of things that interest me. When I was in Italy, it didn't really matter because I already felt awkward since I can't speak a lick of Italian. Plus, I know people here in Boston. I'm not a photographer. Far from it. I just like taking pictures.

That stupid commercial for Orajel just came on again. Really? You think that a toothache hurts more than child birth? Not that I've had experience with either issue, something tells me that child birth wins hands down.

I don't even really know why I'm bothering to write this. I guess I just miss having a blog. Having people read my thoughts. It was so much easier when I had friends in high school that wanted to read about things I'm doing. Now, I have a few friends here and there, but after a lot of stress, I let go of several friends that I had in high school. Do I regret it? Maybe for a few of them that I didn't want to stop talking to, but most of them were ones that I just needed to leave behind.

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