Monday, August 2, 2010

When I Should Be Helping in the Market

I am taking pictures of a table instead. Much more exciting, I think. After I got out of my (for-once) exciting class I managed to pull out my camera and start looking around campus.

I seem to have a hard-on for up-close-and-personal shots, so here are a few that I took earlier. I got a little bored with them so I edited them and played with the effects for a bit.

As you can tell, it's a bit dark. This was me just looking through the table holes.

Here's some boring flowers being eaten by flies. Hi flies! I've seen better looking flowers.

So imagine you're walking past a grocery store and you see a girl pop out of the bushes. That was me. I wanted a picture from the perspective of inside the bush. Or plant. Whatever it's called.

I made a peace sign! Go me!

Well, here's the same picture after I've blown out the colors. I think it looks pretty cool. What do you think?

This is not quite what I was going for, but it's something new. I was hoping this would come out better.

This is a favorite for today. I just really like the lighting and the fact that the table is now hold. It's just awesome.

I normally really don't like the crazy effects that editing photos can do, but this just felt like a pink picture to me.

Chairs can be so interesting. Don't you think? Ordinary objects can bring out some of the coolest products. I mean, I once had a photography professor who did an entire project on trash cans and the different ones around the world.

Ok. So that's it for today. Well, I might have some more later on tonight. Depends if I finish my assignments. Ugh.


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